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There are several different types of pot, or marijuana for legal purposes, called marijuana. These types include sativa, indica, and hybrid. Each has its own effects and characteristics!

Potency is the measure of potency for all three types of marijuana. This term refers to the strength of THC content in each type of weed.

Standardized amounts of THC in pot are six to eight percent as opposed to the more typical ten to twelve percent found in western Europe and North America. At six percent, an equivalent dose of pot in normal strength will be about a half-gram (less than one-quarter inch) on a standard size piece of weed.

This difference is important when trying to understand the effects of pot on your body and mind. Because six percent THC content is less than half a gram, an equivalent dose in regular strength will be less effective than eight percent!

This can be problematic as people with weaker doses do not get the same effect as someone with an eight-percent content who takes that amount.

The potency of cannabis strains

The Power of Potency: A Guide to California's Highest THC Cannabis Strains

There are five main factors that contribute to the potency of your marijuana: bred for THC content, curing processes, growth methods, and deliveries.

Because of the psychoactive component of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabis strains are bred for a high. As opposed to cigarettes, where the variable amount of THC can make up the difference in doses between different products, with cannabis it is always high-quality stuff.

Many times during cultivation, producers are forced to use lower amounts of product due to shipping costs. This is why some products may have less THC than a standard plant may have.

The second factor that contributes to potency is growth speed or protuberance.

The “cannabis race”

The Power of Potency: A Guide to California's Highest THC Cannabis Strains

When people talk about the “war on drugs,” they often mention the severity of the penalties that are offered for drug offenses. While this can help keep people from becoming repeat offenders, it also creates a lot of pressure to stay on track as well as save money for their next drug purchase.

Many people find that having a higher level of cannabis in their system is more recreational than medicinal, and does not seem to solve many issues. Others do not feel that smoking cannabis is as safe as the traditional methods of administration.

There has been a rise in popularity of potent strains and “race”s at high availability levels.

Choosing your strain

The Power of Potency: A Guide to California's Highest THC Cannabis Strains

When looking at different cannabis strains, it is important to determine what effect they have. The way a strain affects you is the “effectiveness level” for that strain.

The more impact a strain has, the more potent it is. As we know, potency is very important to enjoy. So, when deciding what strain you want in your coffee or tea, make sure you are aware of the severity of the effect.

There are four main effects that cannabis can have: euphoric, psychoactive, epiletic and pregnant & breastfeeding related. While none of these effects are bad in themselves, if someone did not appear happy when they had them, they would not choose that plant for themselves.

Understanding the plant

The Power of Potency: A Guide to California's Highest THC Cannabis Strains

As the name suggests, cannabis creates energy by breaking down chemical bonds in plants. This includes extracting energy from nutritionally important compounds, such as vitamin D or getting your heart healthy medication.

Similar to other plants, cannabis contains several different compounds. However, not all of these containable compounds are active. The included active ingredients are known as cannabinoids.

The two most prevalent cannabinoids found in cannabis are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Both containable substances work to reduce symptoms when used alongside each other. For example, CBD can prevent panic and anxiety while THC can reduce sleep cycle transitions.

Identifying your needs


In order to determine which cannabis strain is best for you, it is important to understand the differences in marijuana.

Marijuana strains are grouped into three main categories: Indica,sativa, and hybrid. Each of these categories has different effects, due to the nature of their genetics.

Indicas are characterized by slower growth and development, with sativas being the fastest growing strain. Because of this, sativas are typically used as an initial high before developehing into a stronger feelings or euphoria.

Because of this difference in growth rate, it is important to know which strain you are on. The color of the plant can help identify which category it is in.

Deciding how you want to consume your cannabis

The Power of Potency: A Guide to California's Highest THC Cannabis Strains

When it comes to finding a strain that meets your personal taste buds, there are several factors to consider.

Like any drug, cannabis can have side effects. While not common, this does happen! Luckily, the majority of strains out there are safe to use.

When looking at different strains, it is important to compare features such as THC content, growth pattern, and flowering time. Some features make less of a difference in strain quality, but can make a big difference in how you consume your cannabis.

For example, if you want your strain to look beautiful while getting you relaxed, then fusing two very potent strains together is an option. Or you could wait until the next batch of plants come out and try one of the new compounds!

This guide will go over some tips on how to determine whether or not a strain is worth investing in for yourself or as a gift.

Recognizing the effects

The Power of Potency: A Guide to California's Highest THC Cannabis Strains

Most people know about the effects of THC, the main psychoactive chemical in cannabis. But what about CBD, the other major compound in cannabis?

Unlike THC, which can be available in different strengths, CBD is always supplied in a pure form. Most of it is non-psychoactive due to its concentration. This is why it is usually used as a add-in or an enhancement to another substance.

However, when it does work with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), it can be very potent. One teaspoon of CBD oil can contain up to one ounce of marijuana! This makes sense: Since you cannot create non-psycheoactive compounds that small, most companies useSubject to state and federal regulations regarding drug distribution and sale.

Brd/dt (the concentration of cannabidiol in an extract) does not have any standardized unitary measures such as mg/mL or mg/g and so cannot be used for measuring CBD levels.

Self-awareness is key

The Power of Potency: A Guide to California's Highest THC Cannabis Strains

When looking for a new high, it is important to be aware of your cannabinoid system. The three main cannabinoid systems in the body are the Endocannabinoid System (ECS), the Therapeutic Potential of Cannabinoids (CPAC) and the Health Effects of Cannabis (HCWC) .

The ECS includes receptors such as receptors for glutamate and dopamine, while the CPAC includes enzymes that regulate ketone bodies in your body. The HCDC includes tools such as test strips and blood sugar monitors that screen for cannabinoids.

In addition to being aware of which drugs affect which systems, being aware of what foods contain them and how they affect you can help you know what settings your high is at.

This can help avoid unnecessary trips to the hospital or head shop, where someone may try an unknown substance because it looked potent.

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