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Now, let’s look at where this new wave of marijuana users is coming from. Cannabis is one of the most prevalent drugs in the world.

Cannabis has long been consumed in many cultures. In fact, the word cannabis comes from the Latin word for Cannabis, which is how it is known today.

The cannabis plant has been found in all continents and exists in many different ecosystems. Because of this diversity, there are many ways to consume cannabis.

There are several ways to legally obtain marijuana, including growing your own, buying from a store, and becoming a certified marijuana seller (or grower-seller). Each has its own set of responsibilities and rewards.

This article will not go into great detail about those aspects due to space limitations.

The history of cannabis in the United States

The Great American Cannabis Migration: How California Became the Epicenter of Marijuana

While there are records of cannabis use in pre-Columbian North America, it wasn’t widely used until the late 19th century.

In the 1870s, Dutch researchers noticed that cannabis was being used to treat depression and anxiety in patients at a hospital in Amsterdam. They also noticed its recreational use was increasing alongside their medical use.

Over the next few decades, researchers around the world would research cannabis as a treatment for everything from cancer to PTSD. Today, it is one of the most common Schedule 1 drugs in the US, meaning it is highly illegal to possess or sell in most states.

This has had an impact on public perception of cannabis as a drug and on how people choose to consume it. People who are looking for an alternative to drugs or who cannot stomach legalization in their state may be moving away from conventional marijuana to medical marijuana.

Why California?

The Great American Cannabis Migration: How California Became the Epicenter of Marijuana

As the world’s leading location for everything from entertainment to business, California has made its mark as a major player in every market.

Since it began in the late 1970s as an anti-drug initiative, California Drug Policy had little to do with Today!

Whether you are looking into starting a new business, expanding an existing company, or making a transition into adult life, California has a wide range of services, products, and experiences that you need.

From legal services for low-level crimes to high-end treatments like psychosynthesis therapy, there’s a solution for almost everything. It is not just something you think you need but something you actually do. People live and die by their access to quality health care.

Cannabis is now legal for recreational use in nine states

The Great American Cannabis Migration: How California Became the Epicenter of Marijuana

Most people start smoking marijuana as a way to relax, but it also has a religious significance. For example, in Napa County, California, where we live, there is a annual cannabis event called The Green Rush. The event features…

In 2013, when cannabis was made legal in the United States at the federal level, more than 80 million people went online to learn more. More than 70% of them were looking up California as the first state to legalize cannabis.

This was no surprise: After all, nobody can say with certainty that another plant will not be legislated into oblivion just as easily. In fact, after California passed legalization legislation in November 2016 and President Trump signed it into law in March 2017, Congress failed to reauthorize the Justice Department’s marijuana enforcement program known as Project GreenLight until January 19, 2018.

The economic impact of the legalization of cannabis

The Great American Cannabis Migration: How California Became the Epicenter of Marijuana

Today, cannabis is one of the most popular drugs in America. It is widely available both legally and illegally.

In July 2016, President Obama announced his Administration would begin to regulate and control the sale of cannabis, beginning in 2018. This happened just weeks after Colorado and Washington state legalized marijuana for recreational use.

Since then, several more states have passed laws allowing for legal cannabis usage, including Alaska, Hawaii, D.C., and New Jersey. Many see this immigration trend as a way to explore new cultures and gain new experiences, both politically and financially.

Others see it as an economical way to escape California’s high taxes on medical marijuana plants and dispensaries. With more states passing laws allowing for nonmedical use of cannabis, California has been faced with an influx of new members.

The social impact of the legalization of cannabis

The Great American Cannabis Migration: How California Became the Epicenter of Marijuana

Today, cannabis is very much mainstream. Celebrities such as Kevin Spacey have spoken out about using it as treatment for medical issues, and doctors are beginning to recognize its benefits.

As the world continues to shift toward acceptance of marijuana, major industries like finance have shown strong support for its legalization. This has had a tremendous positive impact on cannabis markets, giving rise to the California-style marijuana market that is now the leading player in the United States and around the world.

The California cannabis market is nothing new; it has been present since the 1970s when Congress passed an act legalizing limited use of marijuana for medical purposes. It was not until 1996 that Congress passed another act allowing for commercial production and sale of both hemp and marijuana products.

Today, there are three large California-style markets: Nevada, Colorado, and Washington State where state laws allow limited commercial sales of marijuana products.

Challenges remain for marijuana industry

The Great American Cannabis Migration: How California Became the Epicenter of Marijuana

As the industry continues to expand, challenges remain for many players in the space. As more businesses enter the market, capacity needs to be addressed!

On a personal level, this can be difficult to deal with as a entrepreneur. As you build your reputation and attract clients, you want them to stay! You want them to recommend your business to their friends and family, or if you were personally interested in it, you wanted them to pay more for it than CBD oil.

How has the legalization impacted you?

The Great American Cannabis Migration: How California Became the Epicenter of Marijuana

With over thirty dispensaries in Downtown San Francisco, it is easy to find a spot to smoke. With an average of seven plants per premises, growing marijuana has not been a viable method of production in the United States market.

Mostly small-scale operations with occasional equipment upgrades, they are left with little choice but to ship their product away. With only seven plants, eight if you include the motherplant, nine if including a growth setup and twelve if including additional plants, this is a very conservative estimate for how much marijuana people actually have on hand.

The number of new residents moving into the area increasing significantly as well as businesses opening show how popular weed is among Americans. California has been leading the way in legalization with six states and Washington D.C. having it approved within the last year and two years for recreational use.

This migration is only going to continue as more states pass laws allowing for recreational use making it a growing trend.

What does the future hold for legal marijuana?

The Great American Cannabis Migration: How California Became the Epicenter of Marijuana

Will the federal government ease up on regulations and licenses? Or will the states continue to lead the way in crafting policies and implementing systems?

Those questions will be answered in November when President Trump nominates a new chief law enforcement officer for the country, who will have wide authority over marijuana.

If he approves his nominee, we could see new drug laws introduced, or at least revised, across the country. This could create huge implications for legal marijuana, as well as other drugs like heroin and prescription drugs.

This would be huge news to say the least, as it would affect both producers and consumers alike.

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