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As the decade comes to a close, it is important to look at what trends will continue and what will end. This article will do just that!

As seen in past years, college students will continue to be major players in the cannabis industry. With the growing number of legal marijuana markets opening each year, these young professionals have an opportunity to establish themselves as leaders in their fields and gain recognition.

As previously mentioned, medical marijuana becomes more widely accepted as a treatment. This continues to grow legitimacy as it becomes more widely distributed and accepted. As more people are diagnosed with disorders such as epilepsy, PTSD or pain management, the availability of traditional drugs no longer works.

Lastly, due to previous points of emphasis being on finances and technology, these trends focus on those things also. More people are starting businesses because they can financially than not.

Concentrates will become more popular

Cannabis concentrates are soon going to be a dominant trend of the next decade. Companies will begin offering them as alternatives to ingested cannabis, making them more acceptable than flower for many consumers.

CBD and THC molecules are very different from one another, which makes it difficult to create traditional cannabis products with easy access. However, companies are beginning to experiment with this new trend, showing that it can be marketed successfully.

The growing number of states that have legalized CBD and/or THC-related products is a sign that people believe in their potential as healing agents. This growth is a testament to how little we used to think of CBD as an anti-anxiety drug!

We will continue to see trends in the cannabis industry, both new trends forming and old ones being retired. Hopefully you enjoyed reading about the future of the marijuana industry and can look forward to seeing what new trends emerge.

More people will begin using dabs

Dabs, or dab autosampling, will continue to grow in popularity as companies begin to offer it as a product. By using specialized dabs machines, enthusiasts can now sample their cannabis at multiple levels of purity and flavor.

Direct-to-consumer advertising will continue to be a main way for companies to promote their products, especially on social media. This will continue to increase the number of consumers looking for cannabis products and using them.

Cannabis-related crimes will continue to decrease as people learn how harmful they are and don’t feel like they need them after getting something so powerful. People who use cannabis will remain loyal to brands that provide quality products, are safe enough for everyone to use, and are reasonable prices.

Edible cannabis products will become more popular

These products will become more popular due to their edginess. People are beginning to realize how much they do not like smoking marijuana, and they are looking to enjoy it more physically.

Many people now areinto cannabis for its medicinal properties. This has created a new group of users who do not necessarily want the high associated with smoking cannabis.

Of the four main cannabinoids found in marijuana, diflucortonolone is the only one that can be extracted and sold as a commercial product. This is why there are so many CBD products available today- they are very expensive, but you get what you pay for!

There are several ways to obtain CBD, including using capsules, liquid drops, and sprays.

The medical marijuana industry will continue to grow

This will continue to be a profitable industry for years to come. People will continue to seek out medical marijuana for relief, allowing them financial freedom to do so.

GDP estimates are between $4 and $6 billion, with an average of $2.5 million in revenue per patient. This number does not include the recreational market, which is still developing and has yet to reach its peak.

By having more patients than competitors, increased revenue, and being able to provide lower cost products due to government funding, companies can increase their profit growth.

This is only going to increase over the next few years as new compounds are developed and tested on humans, resulting in new treatments for people seeking medical marijuana solutions.

Tourism around cannabis will emerge

Tourism around cannabis is in its early stages, but it is a trend that is coming into existence. Countries such as the Netherlands are providing information and assisting in creating tour experiences for visitors to cannabis.

Many people are beginning to realize the medicinal benefits of CBD and other compounds found in cannabis, and as more countries begin to legalize industrial hemp, this trend will continue.

Cannabis will continue to be legalized at a rapid pace, with no one leader able to control the trends.

More states will legalize cannabis

While 2016 was a year of transition for the cannabis industry, with more states passing laws to legalize cannabis, 2019 will be another year of growth for the business.

This is due to three factors: increased demand, increased supply, and improved technology. Increased demand comes from new users looking into alternative options to drugs such as Cannabis.

For those looking into medical marijuana, there are now more options than ever before. Most common are dispensaries known as THC-dependent stores that specialize in medical marijuana. These offer products like capsules or liquids that are claimed to help with symptoms of pain, nausea, and sleep apnea.

There are also increasing numbers of cultivators who offer their products like clones or seeds.

The federal government will relax its restrictions on cannabis

The federal government will continue to regulate and control cannabis as a substance, but will decrease its restrictions on where and how it is sold.

Most prominent of these restrictions will be the ban on possession of more than an ounce (2.5 grams) of cannabis and the ban on sales to individuals under the age of 21.

Both of these laws were established to prevent young people from using cannabis, and since they can’t buy much, they sell it at a substantially higher price. Most people who try cannabis now find it enjoyable, and prices are high enough that many cannot afford it.

This will change when states decide to take over regulation of their own cannabis operations, as most state governments won’t be able to do anything about selling alcohol or cigarettes in restaurants or stores due to federal law.

Cannabis brands will start to emerge

This is a very exciting time in the cannabis industry. As more states start to legalize adult use, teen use, and medical use, more and more cannabis brands will emerge to cater to these different markets.

Luckily for your average consumer, these brands will look the same. It will be tough to distinguish one brand from another because they all typically have good quality products that are reliable.

This is not a bad thing, though! People are more likely to if something is trustworthy in their hands. If a product does not work or smell good, people may refuse to use it which could hurt the company financially.

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