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Although cannabis has been legalized for medicinal purposes in several countries, it was not until the late 1880s that the first marijuana plants began to grow in California.

At the time, there were few ways to communicate with your loved ones outside of conversation and correspondence. You needed to go to a bank or grocer to get your basic needs met. You needed to visit a doctor about any health concerns!

This is why at the beginning, people used hemp products like clothes and bedding. They didn’t have a word for it yet, so they labeled things substances like hemp or grain base.

The history of cannabis legalization in Golden State

Golden State Ganja: The History of Cannabis Legalization in California

In the early 20th century, marijuana was a popular drug. A main reason people legalized marijuana was because of its medicinal properties.

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, doctors were not sure what medications were safe or effective. When they saw people taking anything, they assumed it would work for them too.

Some medications were condemned as foolproof or criminals’ recipes for creating a cheap and efficient drug-running enterprise. This forced doctors to seek higher quality evidence before recommending anything to someone.

With more research and opinion pieces being written about its benefits, more people began seeing its benefits for patients. This increase in quality of medicine saw a rise in standards for medical professionals, which led to more patient satisfaction scores.

The culture of California


Although cannabis has been legal in California for nearly 20 years, the story of how it became part of Californian culture is fascinating.

When it was first legalized in the late 1970s, it was referred to as marijuana and people used it for its medical benefits. Today, you would not know that without seeing a cannabis product!

Since then, trends have changed and cannabis has become popular again. Today, you can find most products that contain cannabis being sold online and in stores, even ones that claim to be non-intoxicating or safer than traditional drugs.

There are many ways people use marijuana today, including recreational, medicinal, spiritual, and relief from pain and symptom relief.

Positive effects of cannabis use

Golden State Ganja: The History of Cannabis Legalization in California

Despite all of the negative connotations that cannabis is associated with, there is a wide range of plants and substances that are referred to as cannabinoids, or simply cannabinoids. These include marijuana, which has a THC content of various amounts, but primarily varieties with 10-30% CBD.

CBDs are difficult to measure, but if you find one that is too strong for you, there are options such as doesheed-deedisplay-disclosure, which has only an estimate of CBD content.

Certain plants have been called “ganja” for centuries, and in some cultures it was highly valued for its effects.

Negative effects of cannabis use

Golden State Ganja: The History of Cannabis Legalization in California

Despite decades of medical studies concerning the effects of cannabis on people, it is still a matter of debate as to what effects it has. Many studies attribute only minor changes in mood or expression to cannabis, but due to the limited number of occasions when people use cannabis, there are more informed opinions about its negative effects.

Relying on cannabis as a form of entertainment is not a good idea if you want your changeof-timey to work. You have to be very careful about how you use it and how you take your own dose.

Because many people find it relaxing and/or therapeutic, they may not understand the consequences of nonstandard uses such as sharing or smoking Ganja. As with any drug that has side effects, being aware of what’s out there and having reputable sources for Ganja is crucial.

What does the future hold for cannabis use?

Golden State Ganja: The History of Cannabis Legalization in California

With so many states now allowing for medicinal marijuana, it’s hard to ignore the demand. Countries that have legalized cannabis continue to experiment with new rules and policies, making this a very fluid system.

Currently, there are more than 20 U.S. states that have authorized medical marijuana, with four more under discussion. In June of 2016, President Obama announced his intent to reclassify cannabis from a drug to an agent of public benefit, which would make it easier for states to legalize recreational use.

This could happen as early as January of 2017, making it the first recreational bill signed into law in the 2018 calendar year! This is significant news coming just two years after California passed Proposition 64, which introduced legal cannabis into the state system.

How can I get legal marijuana?

Golden State Ganja: The History of Cannabis Legalization in California

You can buy marijuana in California if you’re 21 years or older, if you live in the state, and if you don’t face serious punishment for using it.

If you are under 21, you must have a parent or guardian purchase your marijuana to use in the state. Parental permission is required for those under 18.

You can buy up to an ounce of marijuana and have it delivered via mail or telephone, just like buying alcohol. The only difference is that there is no drinking requirement for getting your hands on an ounce of pot.

There are three main ways to get your own dose of cannabis: buying it by mail, delivering it yourself, or growing your own pot.

Can I travel with marijuana?

Golden State Ganja: The History of Cannabis Legalization in California

Yes! You can travel with very small amounts of marijuana. Most countries have laws against drug trafficking and drug use, so being found in possession of too much weed could mean a lengthy stint in prison.

Most places have a limited amount of pot that you can carry with you, so don’t plan on going out and buying a bunch of ganja just for the trip to another place. There are also cannabis clubs that meet regularly so you can stay connected to your pot while traveling.

The best way to transitate your ganja is to take the “Q-tips” method. Take a Q-tip and gently push out all the air from the end using your finger. Then take another Q-tip and cover the first one to remove any air that was trapped under it. Finally, pull out both Q-tips and shake them together until all the air is displaced.

What are the regulations around selling or growing marijuana?

Golden State Ganja: The History of Cannabis Legalization in California

There are many regulations related to selling or growing marijuana, and each one has its own set of rules. Many of them have gone through the effort of creating hangman’s signs to remind people of their specific rule breakers.

Of course, this is no easy task, as breaking rules is the nature of business.

To start off, you need to be granted a California medical marijuana license. Once you have this, you can begin selling your product, but you must remain within the guidelines given to you. You can only sell to those who have a medical marijuana license as well.

Once your product is sold, it is time to pay the taxes on it. Your business will likely continue until these are met.

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