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Worldwide, Cannabis is known by many names: marijuana, cannabis, hemp, hempseed. While all of these names refer to the same thing, they are different plants with different properties.

When it comes to medicinal uses and the drug war, only one of these properties matters for drug prohibition: THC content.

THC content refers to the concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (or “THC”), the main psychoactive compound in cannabis. When it comes to drug prohibition, only the “too much” or “negative” THC content is considered illegal.

In regular usage, THC content is calculated using a formula and added to government records as a cannabinoid-drug transition point.

Cannabis use dates back thousands of years


From around 3000 BC onward, Cannabis was used extensively within the Sumerian and Chinese civilizations for spiritual purposes.

In ancient China, Cannabis was cultivated in temples and its use was observed. It is believed that this practice helped preserve the political and social order of the time.

It also became a common plant in botanical gardens and as a cultivated crop, which led to its spread across Europe. It also transitioned from a religious to a recreational plant, with both functions being realized in modern times.

The history of cannabis is full of stories about plants, people, politics, accidents, conflicts, celebrations, & culture. This article will look at some of those stories using science-based sourcesondaften current but equally important for looking backon how cannabis has influenced human developmentand on for dimen-sionsof our culture.

Ancient civilizations used cannabis for spiritual purposes

Global Ganja: A Voyage Through the World's Rich Cannabis History

From as far back as recorded history, people have used cannabis for spiritual purposes. Although today we tend to associate marijuana with pleasure and relaxation, during happier times it was often viewed as a way to relax and recharge.

In more traditional circles, cannabis was commonly used for spiritual purposes. Many religious ceremonies included marijuana as an adjunct, because of the centuries of people who have documented its medicinal value.

Today, you can find traces of cannabis in everything from religious rites to modern-day drugs like weed. You will find it most commonly found in hemp plants, which are usually identified by their long slender leaves and short green stalks.

Early historians documented the use of cannabis

Global Ganja: A Voyage Through the World's Rich Cannabis History

Before the twentieth century, cannabis was considered a strange, exotic plant material. Historians call this period the Old Times, for they were the first to tell of its history and use.

Prior to the late nineteenth century, cannabis was primarily used as a drug of abuse. During that time, it was mainly studied as an opium and morphine replacement.

Then, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, major advancements in drugs were developed. These new drugs became popular medicines because of their powerful effects.

Many people began using cannabis as a remedy for headaches, mood swings, fatigue and sleep problems. This increased demand led to increased production which led to new varieties that improved on old standards by producing more potent drugs.

Global ganja history is fascinating

Global Ganja: A Voyage Through the World's Rich Cannabis History

For example, the Romans used it as anesthetic, and later in history it was considered a recreational drug.

In 1553, a Latin American king named Atahualpa used cannabis to treat his illness, which at the time was unknown. Datura was another name for cannabis, and Atahualpa enjoyed this drug more than alcohol.

Cannabis was used as money in some countries

Global Ganja: A Voyage Through the World's Rich Cannabis History

The cannabis industry is still in its infancy, but its centurieslong history tells us that it can be more than just a drug.

As the first commodity to be lawful, cannabis was widely consumed as a payment method during antiquity. In modern times, credit and debit cards are the most common method of payment, although cash was also used in some cultures until recently.

In recent years, there has been a surge in the adoption of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin as a means of payment. Although not discussed in this article, cannabinoids such as anandamide may also be used as money!

Global Ganja: A Voyage Through the World’s Rich Cannabis History The term “cannabis” comes from Middle English cannebusch, cannebusch or cane-bushes, both of which mean “reed grass.” In 1554, William Camden published A Generall Historie of all the Plantinges and Takeinges up to this Day (yes, 1554 is almost contemporary with Bitcoin!), and he included references to both pleasant plants and reeds that grew like wheat. (1) These references suggest that canebush was once a common plant crop and monetary system in Europe and North America.

Famous people who used cannabis

Global Ganja: A Voyage Through the World's Rich Cannabis History

While no one alive today has a Christopher Columbus high, plenty of people in the past did. Cannabis was used to manage anxiety and stress throughout the Middle Ages and early modern times.

A 15th-century Italian medical treatise, Laesioni Medica, referred to cannabis as an herb that could be used to manage pain and sleep. Another 15th-century treatise, De Re Magna, referred to cannabis as an herb that could be employed for health purposes.

These references are interesting to look at, not only because they were from such long ago figures, but also because they refer to Chinese and Roman plants alike.

While we don’t know what Christopher Columbus thought about when he heard cannabis was a cloth plant, these references show that the people of the time recognized its medicinal properties.

The psychoactive effect of cannabis

Global Ganja: A Voyage Through the World's Rich Cannabis History

Most plants contain a compound known as THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. However, not every plant contains the same amount of THC.

The amount of CBD in a cannabis plant is measured by its oil, which is made up of cannabinoids and terpenes. As a matter of fact, there are more than fifty different cannabinoids in total, but only five are present in the oil form.

The remaining forty-five are found as either traces or nonexistent in the flower form. This five-cannabinoid oil structure makes it particularly valuable as a drug.

Many people find that taking a CBD oil tincture helps them reduce their stress and allows them to relax enough to sleep well. Others find it helps with pain and inflammation.

Benefits of cannabis use

Global Ganja: A Voyage Through the World's Rich Cannabis History

Despite its negative reputation, cannabis can be a powerful healthtool. If you would like to experience its benefits for yourself, you can try some of the following plants at your local garden center or plant store.

Cannabis contains many compounds that have diverse effects and have been shown to be useful in the treatment of various medical conditions. Some of these include cannabidiol (CBD), delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC), cannabichromone ( CBCHC ), and cannabigerolic acid ( CGBAA ).

When it comes to recreational use, most people don’t worry about getting too much THC because there’s no government Drug Standard for THC . However, when someone has little CBD and/or CBD is needed for an effective treatment, it’s important to make sure they receive an adequate amount.

That is why it is common for people to grow their own cannabis at home. You can determine what chemicals are present in your own cannabis and work with your doctor to ensure an appropriate dose for you.

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