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Weddings are a big, fun celebration. You get to show off your best friend and favorite person, and they enjoy it!

So, when you are looking at venues and decorations, try using some of the cannabis themes in conjunction with wedding colors and decorations. Or use a flower as the symbol for both couples’ lives together.

These themes are common in modern-day culture. For example, one popular design is the table centerpieces filled with leafs. The bride and groom receive their flowers prior to their wedding day, and they decorate them together as a makeshift altar.

Another popular theme is the theme of secrecy. Most people would agree that being able to keep the wedding secret is very important. Your guests must be quiet enough to not talk about the wedding before the ceremony, so this is critical!

Finally, two people can work together forever—a reminder of marriage.

Selecting your weed vendor

For the Love of Ganja: Celebrating Cannabis-Inspired Weddings in California

Once the wedding is planned, it is time to choose your marijuana vendor. Does the staff seem friendly and passionate about their job? Does the shop appear to be well-organized and professional?

In general, stronger compounds like THC are more desirable than CBD in a wedding reception setting. Most guests will not desire a large amount of CBD, but many guests would desire a small amount of THC.

Some vendors offer what is known as hybrid cannabis — compounds that contain some CBD, but not enough THC to be considered a drug. This is an option that both bride and groom can consider.

If the husband does not want to receive any form of weed at their wedding, they can simply remove it from their vendor list.

Choosing your strains

For the Love of Ganja: Celebrating Cannabis-Inspired Weddings in California

Choosing your strains is a large part of for the love of ganja: whether you are planning a recreational or medicinal wedding, corporate event, or just want to express yourself, there are many ways to celebrate!

When choosing your strain, it is important to know the differences in your marriage. For example, individuals with medical marijuana conditions may need a lower dose of the plant to treat their symptoms.

Some strains are better for couch potatoes while others make perfect medicine for sore muscles and joints. If you are a power user, buy some stronger plants so you can enjoy this plant more!

To choose your strain, look for how much you need to take, how often you want to use it, and who you want to use it on.

Deciding what you want to serve or give to guests

For the Love of Ganja: Celebrating Cannabis-Inspired Weddings in California

When planning a cannabis wedding, there are a few things that you should consider. The first is deciding what gift or wedding guests you want to have at your wedding.

Wedding receptions are popular, so having lots of guests is nice. However, if your reception is very low-key, then having lots of guests can be dangerous.

Wealthy people may not like to consume large amounts of alcohol and people with health problems may not like to be surrounded by loud parties and drunkenness. Your wedding guests can become drug addicts or alcoholics because of the popularity of the drugs and the drinking, respectively.

The second thing to consider is how many guests you want at your reception. Many couples decide to have a small reception for about fifteen people, followed by a larger reception for about fifty people two weeks later.

Planning your menu

For the Love of Ganja: Celebrating Cannabis-Inspired Weddings in California

Once your fiance or partner decides on their favorite dishes, it is time to prepare! So, first, you must decide how much food you will be giving and how much food your partner will be getting.

Number one in preparing food for a wedding is making sure that your husband- or wife-to-be has enough to eat. Your wedding dress must be purchased, and yours alone!

Number two in preparing food is making sure that your fiancé has enough to eat. You know what kind of food he likes, so make sure you have enough to satisfy his appetite.

Number three in preparing food is making sure that your fiancé has enough water. Your wedding day can get very hot, which can prove difficult to keep up with the water intake.

Selecting your venue

For the Love of Ganja: Celebrating Cannabis-Inspired Weddings in California

Starting in 2005, the City of San Francisco began developing cannabis-friendly wedding venues. Today, there are almost always options for a wedding in California, where marijuana is legal.

While not required, most wedding venues offer alcohol as well. This is typically not accepted at a wedding, so your groomsmen and bridesmaids must be unimpaired drinkers who know what drugs are.

Unfortunately, this can be somewhat of a challenge when it comes to finding a venue that is comfortable with marijuana. Most groomsmen do not smoke often, if at all. Many also feel threatened by the drug because of stories of smoking and intoxication.

Your groom may feel uncomfortable being exposed to drugs at the venue, so he or she does not attend any rehearsal or ceremony.

Registering for gifts


Before the holidays, everyone should register their gift cards at Amazon. This way, if one of your loved ones wants to spend their gift card, you can easily do so!

If one of your guests prefers cash over gift cards, you can write them a note and put it in the card itself or have them send it via email as long as they are aware of the G-rating.

Having to give out cards and expecting funds to show up on someone’s account immediately following the Christmas celebration is an added safety measure.

Also, registering for gifts on Amazon saves you from having to go back and pick up gifts you ordered that were not received.

Having a guest book or card table

For the Love of Ganja: Celebrating Cannabis-Inspired Weddings in California

This is a fantastic way to start the reception or wedding night. You can have a card table or guilder table where you can set up some supplies and guests can join in or play some fun games such as ring bearer games, book club, and secret sorter.

Depending on the size of the wedding, you can downsize the table to two Esq.-style tables for formal weddings or four small round tables for more casual events.

Using these products allows for plenty of planning time before the event and gives your guests plenty of places to put their stuff. Many professionals suggest having at least three reception gift packages available so one person or couple does not feel left out.

Planning your party music playlist

For the Love of Ganja: Celebrating Cannabis-Inspired Weddings in California

You can either choose to listen to the same songs over and over or you can set up a playlist on your device.

How you select the music playlist music

The number one tip when creating a music playlist is to have some songs in your collection that are never paired with another event. For example, you may have a weekend event paired with Summer events, Halloween events, and Christmas events.

This is because even though the first event may be marijuana-themed, people don’t always share similar themes in decorating and what foods they enjoy. These “misfits” are placed in the party scene to raise morale and mix-up the schedule a little bit!

As far as how big of a playlist you should have soundtrack per person per event per day per week per month per year (unless your party guests are going to dispensaries of course!).

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