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In the past year, there has been a dramatic increase in cannabis culture. Cultivation communities have formed across North America, and Colorado and Washington state-by-state are passing laws regarding the medical and/or recreational use of cannabis.

These new communities are centered around sharing plants and techniques for cultivation, sharing experiences, and creating marketplaces for CBD (called “cheese”) and THC (called “dough”). These new networks have become integral parts of everyday life in the USA, being used for everything from medical marijuana to high-powered research.

This explosion in cannabis culture is not just happening in North America, however. In Europe, Australia, Africa, and Southeast Asia—where medical marijuana has been legal for years—this new culture is still developing.

Become familiar with the various effects of each strain

Cultivating Connoisseurship: A Masterclass in Appreciating the Nuances of California's Cannabis Strains

There is a growing market for “wan-na’t”; people who know the effects of specific strains but are unfamiliar with all strains. This is known as connoisseurship syndicationoma connoisseurship.

Many reputable cannabis growers offer their “wan-na’t” expertise, including Joseph Koutis of White Gold Cannabis in San Anselmo, California. He offers tips such as when to use your first plant, which plants to put into a pot of water and how long to keep them soaking before planting another.

He also says that if you are going to start with a small plant, you should take it home the day it’s finished watering. If you are taking it home the next day, then you can set it up and begin cultivating it. You will need more plants for your studio, so I suggest getting some more early on!

This is not a rule for everyone, but I think it is worth mentioning in case anyone is looking to start growng.

Understand the differences between indica and sativa strains

Cultivating Connoisseurship: A Masterclass in Appreciating the Nuances of California's Cannabis Strains

In order to understand the differences in settlement, it is important to understand the underpinnings of cannabis strains.

Cannabis is built on a foundation of standardised plants with regard to chromosome sequence and cannabinoid content. This means that it is not possible to create a new strain that is identical to the original plant and back again due to unique chemical composition.

The reason for this is that seed propagations are difficult and, with with modern technology, slow. If you were to try to grow your own, you would probably be very sorry when it took years for your plant to grow into its first leaf!

However, since seeds cannot be replicated, growers have developed new ways of obtaining new plants. These include mail-ins via Canadian Cannabis Culture (CCC) and through internet purchases via Canada Online Cannabis Store (COCS).

Try new products and explore new brands

Cultivating Connoisseurship: A Masterclass in Appreciating the Nuances of California's Cannabis Strains

When people try new drugs, they’re not necessarily experience the nuances of the substances. You have to learn what effects you like and how they work for you.

There are many ways to try new cannabis strains. You can go to local marijuana shops or online sellers, or even at 420 gatherings where people can try different strains and see what works for them.

At a 420 gathering, you can also try different products such as edibles or even spray-to-smoke devices. It is also very common to share your new strain with friends who don’t have a specific “gifting” type of cannabis.

The best way to experiment with new cannabis strains is to find a good mix between looking for effects and finding a quality strain. For instance, if one likes a more energetic effect, then search for an outdoor plant type strain. If one wants more of a sleepier effect, then look for an uplifting plant type.

Ask for expert recommendations

Cultivating Connoisseurship: A Masterclass in Appreciating the Nuances of California's Cannabis Strains

While no source is perfect, seeking out cannabis expert recommendations is a smart way to learn more about your favorite blend. By asking for expert opinions about different strains, you are letting them know what you want out of your cannabis and making a request that is worth answering.

Many knowledgeable people will share their strains for a few dollar cost, making this an affordable way to learn more about cannabis. By asking for expert opinions about different strains, you are letting them know what you want out of your cannabis and making a request that is worth answering.

Experts may have certain traits that make them experts in the realm of cannabis: knowledge, intuition, creativity, and persistence. Knowing how to find these qualities in people may help you find the right strain for yourself!

Knowledge: When looking for signs of expertise, try going to events where there has been a lot of discussion around the marijuana debate. Here, you can see if someone has knowledge of other aspects of life that make them skilled at recommending products.

Read about cannabis connoisseurship


For some, cannabis is like wine or art: you can’t experience it alone. As such, there are large cannabis communities that support one another in both sharing experiences and learning more about connoisseurship.

Where wine enthusiasts gather to learn new styles of wine or art fans find new pieces to enjoy together is in the community of connoisseurs. Like a connoisseur of art or wine, there are many who share your taste in cannabis but not everyone will have the same style or form.

However, by looking into different forms of cannabis and sharing your findings with others, you may be able to create new fans and introduce them to what cannabinoids and style they prefer.

Taste your cannabis

Cultivating Connoisseurship: A Masterclass in Appreciating the Nuances of California's Cannabis Strains

Once you’re familiar with the flavors and other effects cannabis can have, it’s time to appreciate it more. While some strains are very cannabinoid dominant, which is the main focus of each strain, there are also those that are milder or even strong on THC.

Cannabis has a long history as a drug of choice; from East and Southeast Asia, where heroin was the norm, to Europe and America, where marijuana was widely accepted as a recreational drug, it’s always been celebrated for its distinctive flavor.

When you learn to appreciate the nuance of cannabis, you’re also learning about its culture. Many strains are designed to enhance the experience of an occasion-specific ritual such as partying or visiting a specific place- whether that is smoking in front of friends or an elaborate planting ceremony. You can learn something new every time you smoke!

The best way to learn about cannabis’ flavor profiles is to try different strains. There are many resources for this- check out www.thestrainreview.

Smell your cannabis

Cultivating Connoisseurship: A Masterclass in Appreciating the Nuances of California's Cannabis Strains

Despite what you may hear otherwise, smell your cannabis is an important and complex gesture to savor the delicate notes of your flower.

There are many ways to smell your cannabis, and most of them are not good smells. Bad smells include: fruit juice or candy scent, chemical smell (petroleum-based products or soap), and rotting smell.

Some people find that floral smells are better for CBD than others, while some like the familiar clean scent of tobacco. Whatever you choose!

The best way to do this is by collecting your flower in a sealed container and then air-vacing or steeping your flower for two to three days in hot water with a lid-tightened bathtub filled with water. After two to three days, check to see if the moisture has been lost through the lid and openings on the container and visually it should have remained dry. If so, put it out in a open sourceers group or coffee house area where people can enjoy it without constant supervision.

Explore different methods of consumption

Cultivating Connoisseurship: A Masterclass in Appreciating the Nuances of California's Cannabis Strains

As the world continues to focus on the challenges of drug abuse and addiction, Cultivating Connoisseurship: A Masterclass in Appreciating the Nuances of California’s Cannabis Strains’ is becoming more prevalent as a graduation gift.

Cultivating Connoisseurship was created to introduce new cannabis consumers to different methods of consumption and explore alternative strains. By learning about how to make CBD gummy bears or green tea Kush, you can learn more about your preferences in cannabis or how it affects you.

You can also find critic sites that rate different strains for their effectiveness and contour their effects. Some sites even have rankings! These reviews are important in finding an appropriate strain for yourself or someone else.

As seen with recent grads, having access to this resource is extremely valuable.

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