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CBD is a non-psychoactive component of the hemp plant. It has variously been described as a Mandalorian cash, a Jedi master’s power source, and a group of high-school athletes that don’t play football but rebound exercises.

In recent years, it has become commonplace to find it in pet products, thanks in part to its widespread use as a medicinal property and/or wellness aid.

Many people enjoy its therapeutic effects on humans, and some even rely on it to help with their own personal health issues.

Some people even use it as an alternative to prescription drugs in treating chronic pain or condition. This is not an easy transition for people to make, though.

Because CBD is not bound to any other substance, it can be difficult for pets to access it.

How does it work?

Cannabis for Canines: Exploring CBD Pet Products in California's Pet-Friendly Stores

CBD is a non-psychedelic compound found in the hemp plant. It can be an easy way to treat your dog for pain, anxiety, and diseases.

Its function is similar to that of human psychoactive drugs like aspirin, but it is absorbed through a different route. This makes it non-toxic to dogs, who normally do not consume cannabis due to pricing.

However, because it is not water soluble, it needs to be administered as a component of a product. This must be done carefully!

Some products contain other cannabinoids besides CBD, which may help with this. If your dog suffers from something like terminal cancer or an aggressive cancer stage, you may want to look into adding another cannabinoid to the product.

What conditions can be treated with CBD?

Cannabis for Canines: Exploring CBD Pet Products in California's Pet-Friendly Stores

There are many conditions that can be treated with CBD. Many doctors are starting to prescribe it for their patients due to new data showing its therapeutic effects.

However, before you send your pet off to the vet for care, you should be able to determine whether or not it needs CBD treatment. There is a test called an ELISA test that can determine if a dog has CBD in its system.

If it does not have it, then you can give your dog small doses of CBD applied topically. Theoretically, a full dose of CBD would take at least six hours for it to enter its body and effect tissue and function.

However, because there is so much online discussion and debate about how much CBD is too much, there are many dogs who do not receive enough CBD due to internet confusion.

Is it safe?

Cannabis for Canines: Exploring CBD Pet Products in California's Pet-Friendly Stores

There are many curious people wondering if CBD is safe for dogs. Many are concerned about the compound being harmful.

Many aurochs were killed using CBD, a compound found in cannabis. Today, it is not known whether it was beneficial or harmful, but it was used as medicine during the late 1700s and early 1800s.

Avena’s (the current name for Aurochs) were a mixed-heritage dog breed that mixed white with brown or dark gray. It is believed that some mix-races were even zebra dogs!

Today, only one breed, the German shepherd, is currently recognized as requiring CBD pet products: The Avena pet shop in California has claimed this particular breed requires it.

Are there any side effects?

Cannabis for Canines: Exploring CBD Pet Products in California's Pet-Friendly Stores

There are few things that animals enjoy more than a little bit of CBD. Many drugs have a side effect, making it hard for owners to determine if their dog is loyal or not.

For example, some dogs are prone to seizures due to drug exposure. Ornaments containing CBD can help reduce the chance of a seizure.

However, studies show that CBD in dogs is only being used in pet shops as a treat or special occasion food. Most do not know what effects it has and how to use it safely.

Many dog owners don’t know what CBD is either and are looking into it for ways to help their pets feel better. If you find that your dog is not feeling well, give them some CBD to help with the pain.

What brands should I look for?

Cannabis for Canines: Exploring CBD Pet Products in California's Pet-Friendly Stores

There are a few things that dogs need in the form of products. They want their treats to taste like home-cooked meat, so that is a nice start.

Pet supplies can be a little tricky though. Some ingredients are designer pet treats, which is disheartening to the dog in your life that might enjoy the treat but not everyone enjoys it.

While this may be cool stuff to designers, dogs do need food and drinks. If you are looking for something specific, try some of the local pet stores or maybe one of the online retailers such as or

How do I use CBD with my pet?

Cannabis for Canines: Exploring CBD Pet Products in California's Pet-Friendly Stores

There are a variety of ways to introduce CBD into your pet’s life. Some ways are through supplements, via a special food, or as a pet product.

Some things your dog could do while you are at work and other while you are at home. A little CBD can be addictive, so it is recommended to use it only as needed.

When CBD oil is used, it must be pure and of high quality. Because it can be habit forming, only used when necessary. Available in cheap drugstores and grocery stores, it is not a fatal mistake to overconsume CBD oil!

If you would like to help your dog get some relief from pain or reduce anxiety, consider offering them some topical cannabis.

Do I need a prescription?

Cannabis for Canines: Exploring CBD Pet Products in California's Pet-Friendly Stores

At first, most pet owners don’t need a prescription for CBD products. However, there are some instances where CBD is needed for pets.

Dogs have more than half the human population’s use of cannabis. They enjoy it as a social drug and have used it to treat many conditions from anxiety to arthritis. For this reason, many veterinary schools offer special programs to learn about cannabis as apet.

While we do not know all of the effects that cannabis has on dogs, we can still offer it to our dogs. Many enjoy it as a toy or floor matellette properties such as Hospitec or P&S Industries make it available. It is also available at most local pet stores.

Where can I find CBD pet products in California?

Cannabis for Canines: Exploring CBD Pet Products in California's Pet-Friendly Stores

There are a few locations in California that offer products derived from CBD, or cannabinoid oil. Most notably, pet stores and large-sized specialty retailers like Walnut Creek mom & pop pet stores have access to the CBD oil.

However, most of these locations do not stock all brands of CBD oil, so you must inquire about availability at the store. Some even charge a fee to have your dog experience the oil, which may be worth it if your dog suffers from certain conditions such as seizures.

Also notable is Eastvale Pet Park, which offers their dogs access to cannabidiol for causes of pain and discomfort. Many owners report their dogs enjoy having it and are relieved knowing it does not contain any other ingredients that may cause harm.

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