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While most people know about marijuana and drug addiction through Hollywood representations, these drugs have become increasingly mainstream in recent years.

Many celebrities have been involved in marijuana and substance abuse for years, making it a prominent part of their lives.

Professional athletes use it oftenly, as well as more casual users. The high associated with it makes it convenient to take & enjoy!

More people are discovering the benefits of cannabis for medicinal purposes, so more people are being introduced to it. Portland is a great city destination for Sunday-afternoon excursions into the woods & fields of Mt. Multnomah & Mt. Tompkins!

If you are looking for an affordable way to get your needles, hash & CBD fix, visit one of the many local dispensaries in Portland.

Understand the potency of your product

It is best to know the potency of your product or medication before using or prescribing any medication for pain, mental health, or medical issues. The higher the dosage of a drug, the more potent it is.

When taking a high-potency medication, it is important to take it as prescribed and at a low dose to begin with. This is particularly important if you are not fully comfortable taking a lot of medications.

If you feel like you are taking too much or that your doctor is letting something else go (medication) or that someone else (medicine) is making more of an effort with this medication than you are, then it is time to lower the dose. Your doctor can do this on their own, but they should also check with them before doing so.

Pack a safe smoking device

While it is not advised, it is possible to smoke cannabis at a lower level than a traditional cigarette. All you do is press the button when you want to smoke, and that’s it!

How to do it safely? Well, you have to charge the device first, and then you can try it. It takes a few tries to get the right level of intoxication your body needs to feel the effects of the plant.

If you are really into nature and want to enjoy your greenery at their highest level, then head out in nature and try some outdoor smoking. You can even rent some outdoor places or buy some if there are no nearby natural settings.

Bring along an extra piece of equipment

There is a risk when going wild outdoors without proper safety gear. You may be more vulnerable to harm than someone who does not have the appropriate equipment. Although less prevalent these days, allergic reactions were a concern when it came to skin exposure.

There was no way of knowing if dust particles or other substances were present or if they were peeled back, the skin had to be exposed. Since there is no national standard for outdoor safety gear, most are made of low quality materials that break or wear out quickly.

Some products even require heavy use or ownership before you can use them in your outdoors! This can only back up the point that this was needed.

Sit down when you smoke

This is one of the primary reasons to sit down when you smoke cannabis: to take your time to enjoy your high.

While most people start feeling the effects of cannabis around midnight after taking the first hit, it takes about fifteen minutes for the effects to fully develop. This is a good thing! You want to be under the impression that you are still high until you wake up from your experience.

After the initial rush of being high, people say there is a more relaxed feeling that lasts for a little while. People feel more comfortable talking and engaging with each other, which is nice when enjoying your smoking session by yourself is an option.

There are many ways to enjoy your natural cannabis for longer than just sitting in your own company relaxing and listening to music.

Don’t drive

Although cars are the dominant mode of transportation in Portland, you can still enjoy the great outdoors without them! There are numerous hiking and biking trails throughout the city, as well as a number of swimming pools and water parks that offer fun for all levels.

You do not need a car to enjoy the natural beauty of Portland. There are many beautiful trails that connect to local parks, as well as access to scenic rivers and lakes. Many people start their day walking from one downtown district to the next, or take a bike instead!

A common way to explore neighborhoods is by bike. There are plenty of bike lanes throughout Portland, making it very easy to get around.

Consider using a vaporizer

A vaporizer is a great way to consume your cannabis. Most people start with a flower cigarette, then a cartridge or device like a vaporizer. The difference is in the method of consumption.

The paper cigarette looks like it should be fun to smoke. Each one has a different patterned filter andburns gently, leaving you with a calm and pleasant high.

The only problem some people have with the paper cigarettes is that they can be hard to get started. Some people need to be shown how to use one, and others just want one right away.

Instead of having to start with the traditional cigarette, the user can begin using the vape device by holding down only one button at a time.

Stay in control

While there are occasional opportunities to get high, most places are non-intoxicating. Also, stay in control! Most times, smoking cannabis is not the best option for enjoying the outdoors.

If you do want to smoke cannabis, use a smoker’s Marijuana Marijuanaizer! This tool can easily be attached to a vaporizer or cigarette and pulled out as needed. Or you can use an oil rig or bong!

You can also find edibles or drinks made with hemp or coconut oil! Distributors even have names for these: “hemp” and “coconut.

Expect to feel the effects for 1-2 hours

Recently, people have been discovering how much fun recreational cannabis can be as they enjoy the great outdoors. Thanks to these users, Portland has more than a half dozen places where you can enjoy a short marijuana session in the woods or on a hill.

Many people have reported enjoying the effects of cannabis while relaxing in a bathtub or on a couch. Since it takes about an hour to take effect and get comfortable, this makes for a very relaxing hang out time.

If you are ever looking to add something new to your hang-out habits, head down to one of the marijuana treatment centers in Portland and have some cannabisoil applied onto your body. You will feel relaxed and comforted, which is great for getting things done (read more below).

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